Terms of Use
This website is powered by Carlos Olavo & Associados, SP, RL (COA) and its use is governed by these Terms of Use, being the user’s duty to acknowledge, by using it, that he/she is accepting these Terms of Use.
A) Access to the Site
COA may suspend, partially or in full, the access to the site, especially when undergoing management operations, maintenance, reparation, alteration or modernization as well as terminate the site definitely or temporarily, partially or in total.
B) Intellectual Property Rights
The user accepts that the contents of COA’s site are subject to intellectual property rights. The rights, namely, on papers, images and other information, including brands, logos and symbols, as well as the structure of the site, are owned by COA. COA does not allow the transmission, publication, modification or copy of the papers, images and other contents of the site, without previous authorization, to be granted in written.
C) Processing of Personal Data
For the user’s privacy protection, the site’s browsing does not require his/her personal information provision. However, as COA provides forms for online contact, the user accepts that the filling of those form implies the provision of personal information, being that that data may be used in the terms of said forms. Additional information may be consulted on this site’s Privacy Policy.
D) Information
The information made available on the site has as purpose to inform the user’s of COA’s general activity. Without prejudice of existence of occasional errors or mistakes, the information rendered by the site, that is subject to rigorous analysis, is of mere guiding character.
E) Responsability
COA cannot be called upon to respond for errors that may occur due to system irregularities of failure, either temporary or permanent. COA cannot also be called upon to respond on behalf of any damages that may result from the inadequate use of the site or impossibility of thereof.
F) Links
COA may make available links to webpages of other entities. Being that those sites are not operated by COA, it is not responsible, in any way for it’s content. As such, the user’s take the risk for the use of those links. The creation of links that direct to COA’s site does not require its previous and written consent.
G) Terms of Use, Queries and Applicable Law
When warranted, COA may update, modify, partially or in total, these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, as well as delete them. The user shall periodically consult these Terms of Use to confirm if any update or change has been made. The user can contact COA to clarify any queries in regards to the processing of his/her personal data or the exercise of his/her rights granted by the applicable law, including the ones mentioned in the Terms, through the following contacts: (+351) 21 324 27 40; e-mail:privacidade@olavolex.pt.
Adress: Avenida Engenheiro Duarte Pacheco, Torre 2, 11º, 6, 1070-102 Lisbon, Portugal.
These Terms of Use are regulated by portuguese Law.
Date of the previous update: 30/01/2019